ChEcK oUt ThE eXtRaS tAb!!!!!!! VIDEOS!!!!
we are dolfins!! The best club ever created
My Loves
Created In jan 2006
We r very lame pple. Lame meaning cant walk but lame meaning the sarcastic lame
Hehehehehe beware... we r dangeroulsy lame
Come let's all spread the lameness!! hehehe
Loves being lame.. duhhhh
My Loathes
We watch anything!!!
Songs: All church songs.. esp Nothing Changes and Teriak
We dun hate nobody... Love them all!!!
My Current Mood
You can add in your mood link here.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Hi everyone..!!
Yes yesterday was totally awesome.. I spoke to you guys... It was a really great time.. actually I was laughing to myself wahen you guys typed something really really very funny.
I am completing the last steps of school. As usual the going gets tough and the tough gets tired. hahahah!! Impressively today I only slept 3 hours cause my alarm clock decided to go daylights saving. (when it comes to spring we set our clocks 1 hour back and when summer ends we set our clocks 1 hour forward)And daylight savings was like 2 week ago... So that was an awkward moment.. and then when my alarm clock rang... my friend was like "Gen... it's only 5am!!!!" and I am like "NO WAY!!!!" and she's like "YA HUH!!" And then I said "Ok fine... we can sleep another hour" But when I tried to sleep again... I couldn't so here I am blogging like there's no tomorrow!! hahahah!!! Oh yesterday we had a thanksgiving dinner.. pretty fun cause we had this big turkey with no stuffings and the stuffings are separated from the turkey... so yeahh.. It was my first thanksgiving.. I actually thought it was gonna be like those movies where each person on the table give thanks for what happened to them throughout the year or something.. but guess we were kinda hungry so we just ate.. So after we finished eating, we had this session of talking about hollywood stars.. hahahah!! Like "I love New York" ( a very bad show to watch but to resist what people do when they are in love.. ) But anyway her story is... she's trying to find love soo she gets 16 guys I think.. and she starts eliminating them 1 by 1 or 2 by 2. So there's this guy called "Tailor-Made" ( yes they give them nicknames to live by) He is a snitch... hahahah!! and yeahhh soooo without him.. the show ain't funny.. soooo we get spitting on the show.. and fights which are really comical... cause they looked like 4 year olds trying to get the toy they want.. well not really toy... ya you know what I mean.
And yeah, after that laughing session we had games. We played some gestures game where we were divided in groups and we had to act out a common thing from a movie. And yeahhh you guys should have seen it... very very funny... Like my group didn't watch Lord of the Rings.. sooo we only had an idea of the horbit. and I was the horbit. The scene is actually I am trying to walk from behind 2 pple. So there's an elijah woods and there's elijah wood's friend who is an horbit also but the scene looked like, from my other group members perspective, a midget getting engaged and I was the flower girl. Weird... scenario....
Ok... on to the next part.. We had like a mini sharing.. Basically after that I had a tired jaw... cos we were laughing too hard... :P and then we decided to just end it with a prayer and then we played Wii. hahahaha!!! What a fun caregroup!!! Yes now I have to get back to reality.. I have 3 datelines!!! YIKES.... I am so scared of going to school!! hahahaha!!! But today is saturday.. school is gonna have to come sooner or later... So I will show u guys my latest project.
Yeahhh that's fufu!!! My super adorable imaginary friend... hahahah... A fox/cat... I wish they could make it into a merchandise. hahahah!!! I will buy the soft toy!!!!! ok I gotta go now... time to prepare for Bible Study!!!
Finished an outing at 6:10 AM
Keena (Designer)
The Christmas season is coming.. so here are some videos!!